Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Happy New Year! I rarely make resolutions but this year I wanted to keep my mind sharp and keep myself productive, so I have decided to read a book each week this year and knit a scarf each week this year. SOUNDS CRAZY RIGHT!?!? It's really only a 12 hour commitment every week, and I'm pretty sure I'll at least read that many books, even if I don't make that many scarves. Let's not already be defeated though! I WILL make 52 scarves and they will be lovely! Besides, it's a leap year so I have a whole extra day to knit and read, HA!

This first book I've chosen is “The Paris Wife,” by Paula McLain. It is quite good so far and I would recommend it to anyone. It's in the perspective of Ernest Hemingway's first wife, which initially sounded a bit dry to me, but it's really well written and totally enjoyable.

I went into NYC yesterday for a job interview and JUST realized that I wrote 2011 on every single document I signed – sigh – not a good omen. More about the job later, I am not as optimistic about it as I once was, it's really competitive and, while I answered their questions nicely, I think it might have sounded a little generic. We will see.

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